Want to sell your product on the web? This solution is for you. You will get everything you need to sell your product on the online.

What you get:

Here are the highlights of the functionality you will be getting with your Standard Ecommerce Site Package:

-          Unlimited Category, Product, Sub-Product creation
-          Product Manufactures
-          Instant Calling Card Pin, Mobile Recharge Pin issue to customer after payment processed.
-          Finest and easiest CMS (Content management system) to maintain your web site.
-          Unlimited page creation.
-          Update web site look and feel just a mouse click.
-          SEO integration.
-          Check your web site statistics using Google analytics. How many hits you have got on your web site and what is the source.
-          Add multiple admin logins to maintain your web site.
-          News letter email to subscribe users.
-          Functionality for SMS Marketing to Customer.
-          And much more.

Price:  900.00 + GST

We can create your web site very fast, almost no wait.

  Contact Us
  Nirbhor Solutions

14/1, Alfred St,
Westmead - 2145

Mail : support@nirbhor.com